About DQL.

The Dcent QuantumLedger (DQL) proves a new standard and orbits around the new standard ISO currency system, offering a transparent ledger designed to withstand major threats posed in the quantum world, with anti-fraud protocols to safeguard users accounts.

Vision & Mission


At the Dcent Quantum System, our major objective is set to redefine the landscape of currency and introduce innovation, create a very secure and inclusive platform that revolutionizes the way patriots perceive money and digital assets. Our aim sets up apart as we have advanced to a more secure system against threats in the quantum world.


We envision a world where your ISO currency transcends boundaries, enable secure and equitable financial interaction for everyone. Our vision is to lead this new evolution by introducing innovative solutions that can inspire confidence and foster more empowerment on digital assets.

Dcent Quantum Ledger

Unmatched and remakeable Perfrmace